Search and Query Users

Search User

Query for users by their display name, receiving a collection of AmityUser matching your search. It requires two parameters: the display name you're searching for, and a 'sort option' from the AmityUserSortOption enum. If no keyword is supplied, the list of users will be organized alphabetically by display name.

Users also have the option to sort by lastCreated, firstCreated, or displayName. When a keyword is provided, the list will be arranged based on search rank. The displayName sort option will be specified by default if it isn't specified.

Deleted users are excluded from the results

If the collection is sorted by displayName, the results will be alphabetically and case-sensitively ordered (aA-zZ). For example: adam, arthur, Alice, Andre, charlie, Kristen.

Note: If the user ID or display name you’re searching for contains special characters, you’ll need to enter the whole keyword in order for it to appear in the search results.

Search users by display name

Query Users

Query for users to receive a collection of AmityUser based on a single parameter: a 'sort option' from the AmityUserSortOption enum. Sort the list by options such as displayName, firstCreated, or lastCreated. The displayName sort option will be specified by default if it isn't specified.

Deleted users are excluded from the results

Query users

Last updated

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