Get Follower/Following List

Get Followers List

To retrieve Live collection of followers for a particular user, simply call the getFollowerList method with the userId of the user whose follower list you wish to retrieve. The method will return a collection of follow relationship objects, each of which includes information about the target user, the source, and #follow-status of those two users.

The list of users following me will be arranged chronologically by the date they started following me. While there is no sorting parameter available, the default ordering is determined by the date of the follow action.

Additionally, our platform allows you to filter the follower list by follow status by passing the status parameter. For example:

  • accept filter to retrieve only the followers who you have already accepted their requests.

  • pending filter to retrieve the list of users who have sent you a following request. Please note that this filter can only be applied if the connection method configuration is With request process.

Get My Followers List

Get Other User Followers List

We currently do not support sorting of the follower user list.

Get Following List

The getFollowingList method returns Live collection of follow relationship objects, each of which includes information about the target user, the source, and the follow status of those two users. This information can be used to better understand the user's social network and manage their following more effectively.

The list of users I am following will be arranged chronologically by the date I started following them. Although no sorting parameter is applicable, the default order is based on the date of the follow action.

  • accept filter to retrieve only the users whom have already accepted your follow request.

  • pending filter for retrieve the users whom you whom have not yet accepted your follow request. Please note that this filter can only be applied if the connection method configuration is With request process.

Get My Following List

Get Other User Following List

We currently do not support sorting of the following user list.

Last updated

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