The SDK has three levels of notifications and in order for it to be sent, a notification has to pass throughout all three levels.
Network Level: (via Admin Panel) turning off notifications at this level effectively disable push notifications altogether for all of your customers.
User Level: (via client) A user can choose to enable/disable notifications per feature module. Please note that this setting is per user, not per device: regardless of which device sets this toggle, the new preference will take effect in all the devices where the user is logged in.
Channel or Community Level: (via client) A user can choose to enable/disable notifications per channel or community (where is member of). Again, this preference is per user, not per device.
In addition to push notifications, we also offer a Notification Tray that stores the notification history for each user.
The SDK offers push notification settings per user, allowing users to configure whether to enable or disable push notifications for specific feature modules. This configuration applies universally to every device logged in as the same user.
Configurable modules include CHAT
The SDK provides "getSettings()
" function within User Notification to inspect the current settings of each feature module.
The functionality isn't currently supported by this SDK.
The SDK provides "enable()
" function where user can specify the settings of each module and "disableAll()
" function where user can choose to disable notifications on every module.
The functionality isn't currently supported by this SDK.
The SDK offers push notification settings per channel, allowing users to configure whether to enable or disable push notifications for specific channel. This configuration applies universally to every device logged in as the same user.
The SDK provides "getSettings()
" function within Channel Notification to check whether push notification is enabled on the channel.
The functionality isn't currently supported by this SDK.
The SDK provides "enable()
" and "disable()
" functions where user can choose whether to enable or disable push notifications coming from the channel.
The functionality isn't currently supported by this SDK.
The SDK offers push notification settings per community, allowing users to configure which notification events should be enabled on the community. This configuration applies universally to every device logged in as the same user.
Configurable events include POST_CREATED
The SDK provides "getSettings()
" function within Community Notification to inspect which notification events are enabled on the community.
The functionality isn't currently supported by this SDK.
The SDK provides "enable()
" function where user can choose which notification events to be enabled on the community and "disable()
" function to disable all notification events on the community.
The functionality isn't currently supported by this SDK.