Amity Android UIKit Installation Guide
To allow for more customization, we have now open sourced our UI Kits and deprecated the packaged UI Kit versions that was previously available (2.x.x and below).
With open source, developers have more flexibility and greater customization options, allowing you to have complete control over the visual style. Open sourcing allows for more transparency and visibility, and enables contributions from a greater developer community in terms of good design, implementation, code improvement, and fixes, translating into a better product and development experience.
To ensure that you continue to receive the latest features and updates, we encourage you to migrate over to the open source version. This guide will help you:
Please note that for the UIKit 4.0 stable version, we plan to release a packaged version soon, aimed at facilitating easier integration.
If you've never used UI Kit from a gradle dependency before, you may skip this step and proceed to the next step. If you are migrating the UIKit with an existing gradle dependency, you will need to remove it from the gradle at the application level.
Clone or download source code from an open-source Github repository. https://github.com/AmityCo/Amity-Social-Cloud-UIKit-Android-OpenSource
Navigate to your current application in Android Studio, then at the top navigation bar go to File > New > Import Module...
Choose the source directory where you downloaded/cloned UI Kit source code.
Make sure that you import :chat
, :common
, :social
, and :amity-uikit
module as per the screenshot described. The :sample
module is optional and solely contains examples of UIKit Fragments and Activities.
Navigate to the root project's settings.gradle
file once the modules have been successfully imported. You may see that Android Studio generated a dependency path from the UI Kit source code directory you specified initially. However, there's a chance that Android Studio won't do so or may generate the incorrect path. Please double-check that the path is accurate.
Additionally, in the root project's settings.gradle
it's also mandatory to declare jitpack.io repository destination by adding maven { url https://jitpack.io }
to dependencyResolutionManagement > repositories.
Add the imported module to application's gradle file by adding:
Exclude these META-INF from the packaging options in application's gradle
Lastly, apply this in the project-level
build.gradle file. apply from: "../Amity-Social-Cloud-UIKit-Android/buildsystem/dependencies.gradle"
Also make sure that your settings android.nonTransitiveRClass=false
in gradle.properties
Woohoo! All set now you're ready to explore and modify our UI Kit in your application project.
You can modify the Android open source UI Kit to customize behaviors to fit your needs. To modify the code, simply copy and paste it into your local machine.
We recommend that you first fork the repository before starting any customization work, so that it will be easier to merge the code with the next version update that we provide from the main repository.
Reference on forking: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo
To update to the latest version of the UI Kit, you can pull the latest commit of the git submodule.
Customizing UIKit v4 with config file
In Amity UIKit 4.0, customization is a pivotal aspect, allowing for extensive personalization across UI elements, components, and pages. Understanding the hierarchy and role of each of these entities is crucial for effectively utilizing the UIKit's capabilities.
Definition: The fundamental building blocks of the user interface.
Characteristics: Atomic views constitute the most basic UI elements, offering essential interactivity and visual elements but often requiring additional structure to fulfill complete business use cases.
Example: A button or an individual text field.
Definition: Combinations of UI elements that serve a specific function.
Types: Divided into Presentational and Controller components.
Presentational Components: Direct renderers, providing straightforward rendering capabilities. They offer high flexibility and are foundational for Controller components.
Controller Components: Handle complex logic and are pivotal in supporting various business use cases. For example, FeedList
or PostView
Customization: Both types of components offer diverse customization opportunities, from visual appearance to functional behavior.
Definition: Represent distinct screens within an application, offering a focused set of content and functionality.
Role: A page comprises a combination of UI elements and components, providing a holistic user experience. It acts as a container for various components and elements tailored to specific user objectives.
Customization: Pages can be tailored in terms of layout, content, and the interactivity of the components they contain.
Scope: Global level.
Purpose: Configure business-specific settings.
Example: Allow or restrict certain types of posts or messages.
Scope: Global level.
Purpose: Define the visual appearance of UI elements uniformly.
Example: Set primary and secondary colors, font family.
Scope: Local level, per element.
Purpose: Configure individual UI elements according to specific requirements.
Limitation: Does not include customization of internal views of an element.
Scope: Local level, specific to Controller components.
Purpose: Customize internal views within Controller components.
Example: Altering cells within ConversationList
or modifying views in PostView
Event-Driven API: Allows for maximum adaptability in crafting user journeys, particularly suited for simpler UI scenarios like standalone views.
UIKit Managed Navigation: For more complex UI scenarios, such as pages, the framework autonomously manages flow, navigation, and transitions, leveraging common business logic assumptions.
Welcome to the Amity UIKit 4.0 Beta, the latest iteration of our powerful user interface toolkit, designed to revolutionize the way you build interactive and engaging applications. This beta release marks a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to providing robust, user-friendly, and versatile UI solutions.
The Amity UIKit 4.0 Beta proudly introduces an exclusive and highly anticipated feature: The Story Feature. This addition is a game-changer, allowing developers to integrate a dynamic and rich storytelling component into their applications effortlessly. With the Story Feature, users can create, share, and interact with content in a more engaging and visually appealing way, similar to popular social media platforms.
We envision Amity UIKit 4.0 to be a continually evolving platform, introducing new features and integrating existing ones from Amity UIKit 3.x. This approach ensures a holistic and advanced UIKit. For users of UIKit 3.x, we are dedicated to providing a smooth transition to the 4.0 UIKit.
In line with the introduction of Amity UIKit 4.0, we are also updating the design of the entire Amity UIKit. This update aims to align with the sleek, modern, and user-centric design philosophy of UIKit 4.0. The updated design will not only enhance the visual appeal but also improve the overall user experience, making it more intuitive, responsive, and accessible.
One of the core enhancements in Amity UIKit 4.0 is its unmatched customization capability. Understanding the diverse needs of developers and businesses, we have designed the UIKit to be highly adaptable. Whether it's tweaking the UI elements, adjusting the layout, or modifying the color schemes, the toolkit provides an extensive range of customization options.
The primary goal of Amity UIKit 4.0 is to simplify the integration process. We strive to make the incorporation of our UIKit into your existing projects as seamless as possible. With comprehensive documentation, user-friendly APIs, and a supportive community, we aim to reduce the complexity and time involved in integrating advanced UI features into your applications.
As of now, the enhanced customization options and the design updates in Amity UIKit 4.0 are exclusively available for the Story feature. These advancements provide a glimpse into the future possibilities of Amity UIKit. We plan to extend these capabilities to other features in subsequent releases, continually expanding the versatility and applicability of the UIKit.
Our UIKit v4 supports customization in a single place by modifying a config.json
file in related UIKit repository. This configuration file includes all necessary data to customize the appearance of each pages, components and elements that we allow to do customization.
Currently we only supports light_theme
, you can modify primary_color
or secondary_color
for app theme.
We supports three different levels - Page, Component and Element. The format is like page_id/component_id/element_id
Page ID - We use post
suffix and placed at first, it will looks like camera_page/*/*
Component ID - We use component
suffix and placed at middle, it will looks like */comment_component/*
Element ID - We use no suffix and placed at last, it will looks like */*/close_button
You can override Global Theme for a specific page with desired value like below
These are the available Page IDs
You can also override Global Theme for a specific component with desired value like below
These are the available Component IDs
You can specify background_color
for an element, and icon
if that element has image icon.
These are the available Component IDs
You can exclude UI elements by specifying its config id in excludes
in configuration file.
Example: Excluding aspect ratio button from Story Draft page
This page provides media picking and camera for story creation
Post content
User can view content of the post including reactions and comments.
You can customize page_theme
You can customize close_icon
and background_color
For more details customization, please refer to Customization page.
Start an activity
Community feed
User can scroll vertically to see a list of posts from a community feed
This page shows community profile information as well as community feed
User can tap the floating action button to open to create a post in community
User can tap the floating action button or community avatar circle to open to create a story in community
For more details customization, please refer to page.
For more details customization, please refer to page.
For more details customization, please refer to page.
You can customize page_theme
You can customize progress_color
and background_color
You can customize overflow_menu_icon
You can customize close_icon
You can customize impression_icon
You can customize comment_icon
and background_color
You can customize reaction_icon
and background_color
You can customize create_new_story_icon
and background_color
You can customize mute_icon
, unmute_icon
and background_color
You can customize component_theme
You can specify list of colors to progress_color
and background_color
for ring color
You can specify create_new_story_icon
and background_color
You can customize page_theme
You can customize back_icon
View story
User can view image or video story
Story Target
User can click to see a list of stories from a community or can create a story to a community.
Story creation on community feed
When a user selects a community, UIKit will open Story Creation page with the selected community.
This page provides draft preview for story creation
Post content
User can view content of the post including reactions and comments.
You can customize page_theme
You can customize back_icon
and background_color
You can customize aspect_ratio_icon
and background_color
You can customize hyperlink_button_icon
and background_color
You can customize hyper_link_icon
and background_color
You can customize share_icon
, background_color
and hide_avatar
For more details customization, please refer to Customization page.
Start an activity
We are always working to enhance our existing UIKit. As a result, the minimum compatibility may vary for our previous version releases. Below is the compatibility list for our latest release. For a complete compatibility history of any given UIKit version, you may refer to our changelogs.
Amity-Social-Cloud-SDK - 5.14.0
Glide - 4.12.0
OKHTTP3 - 4.9.0
Retrofit2 - 2.50
Android Paging Data Library - 3.0.1
Room - 2.4.0-alpha04
RxJava2 - 2.3.10
Gson - 2.8.10
Kotlin-std-lib - 1.5.10
Kotlin-coroutines - 1.5.0
Exo Player - 2.12.1
HiveMQ mqtt client - 1.2.2
Before using the SDK, you need to initialize the SDK with your API key. Please find your account API key in Amity Social Cloud Console.
After logging in Console:
Click Settings to expand the menu.
Select Security.
In the Security page, you can find the API key in the Keys section.
You can specify endpoints manually via optional parameters. API endpoints for each data center are different so you need to adjust the endpoint accordingly.
We currently support multi-data center capabilities for the following regions:
Endpoint URL
United States
You must first register the current device with a userId
. A device registered with a userId
will be permanently tied to that userId
until you deliberately unregister the device, or until the device has been inactive for more than 90 days. A device registered with a specific userId
will receive all messages belonging to that user.
Amity iOS UIKit Migration Guide
To allow for more customization, we have now open sourced our UI Kits and deprecated the packaged UI Kit versions that was previously available (2.x.x and below).
With open-source, developers have more flexibility and greater customization options, allowing you to have complete control over the visual style. Open sourcing allows for more transparency and visibility and enables contributions from a greater developer community in terms of good design, implementation, code improvement, and fixes, translating into a better product and typical development.
To ensure that you continue to receive the latest features and updates, we encourage you to move off the managed UI Kit to the Open Source UI Kit. This guide will show you how to:
Please note that for the UIKit 4.0 stable version, we plan to release a packaged version soon, aimed at facilitating easier integration.
If you've never used UI Kit, you may skip this step and proceed to the next step.
If you're integrating the UI Kit with an existing project, you'll need to remove and unlink the managed UIKit from your project before proceeding with the integration.
There are several ways for you to migrate the open source iOS UI Kit into your projects, depending on your workflow. One way that we recommend is via Git Submodule. This instruction assumes that the app project is already set up with a Git repository.
Add git submodule of Amity UIKit open source into your git repository.
To simplify forking & contributing to the open source UIKit, we are moving away from using git-lfs in our git repository. We are migrating all development of Open Source UIKit to new repository https://github.com/AmityCo/ASC-UIKit-iOS-OpenSource starting release v3.12.0. The previous open source UIKit Repository https://github.com/AmityCo/Amity-Social-Cloud-UIKit-iOS-OpenSource would be supported until <xxxx-yyyy-zzzz> date. New repository will not contain any history before release v3.12.0.
For new users:
If you are just starting to use Open Source UIKit or already using latest version of Open Source UIKit (i.e v3.12.0) from old Repository, We suggest you to start pulling changes from new repository instead.
In this case,
If you have forked old open source UIKit repository, we suggest you to fork new repository and use that instead.
For Old Users:
If you are using older version (< 3.12.0) of open source UIKit, we suggest you to upgrade to latest version of UIKit as soon as possible. Once you are caught up to version 3.12.0, please migrate to use new repository instead.
Create an Xcode Workspace, and then add both MyApp.xcodeproj
and AmityUIKit.xcodeproj
together under the same workspace.
links with other dependencies such as AmitySDK
, Realm
etc through SharedFrameworks
which is a Swift Package.
Step 1: Reset Package Cache of your Application Target i.e YourApp.xcodeproj. [If you are installing AmityUIKit for the first time, you can skip this step]
Select App Target In Xcode Project -> Select File Menu for Xcode-> Packages -> Reset Package Cache
Step 2: Link SharedFrameworks
& AmityUIKit.framework
to YourApp.xcodeproj target as shown below.
4. On MyApp.xcodeproj
, let’s try importing AmityUIKit / AmitySDK and call some APIs. You should be able to compile and run the app.
You can modify the iOS open source UI Kit to customize behaviors to fit your needs. To modify the code, simply copy and paste it into your local machine.
We recommend that you first fork the repository before starting any customization work, so that it will be easier to merge the code with the next version update that we provide from the main repository.
References on forking: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo
To update to the latest version of the UI Kit, you can pull the latest commit of the git submodule.
With Amity UIKit 2.3, we have introduced a new way to Authentication process. Just follow the guide below.
Your app may require the following permissions to work properly;
Camera access
Microphone access
Photo library usage access
Before submitting your application to the store, please make sure the following permissions are already granted. Here are the steps to ask for permission.
Locate the info.plist
file and add:
requires an API key. You need a valid API key to begin using the UIKit. Please find your account API key in Amity Social Cloud Console.
After logging in Console:
Click Settings to expand the menu.
Select Security.
In the Security page, you can find the API key in the Keys section.
If you have trouble finding this, you can post in our community forum at community.amity.co so our support team can assist you.
AmityUIKitManager.setup should only be called once when app starts running. Calling the method repeatedly will create connection problems.
By default, AmityClient will connect to AmityRegion.SG
. You can specify endpoints manually via AmityEndpoint
struct. API endpoints for each data center are different so you need to adjust the endpoint accordingly.
We currently support multi-data center capabilities for the following regions:
United States
To use any SDK feature, you must first register the current device with a userId
. A device registered with an userId
will be permanently tied to that userId
until you explicitly unregister the device, or until the device has been inactive for more than 90 days. A device registered with a specific userId
will receive all messages belonging to that user.
Additionally, an optional displayName
can be provided if you wish to have this user identified in push notifications.
Registering your app for push notifications will require a device token as a parameter.
Amity's UIKit does not manage:
User-facing requests for push notifications and authorizations
The creation and refreshing of push notification tokens
It's up to your app to take those steps and pass the device token.
In the event that your user logs out, you should explicitly unregister the user from the SDK as well, to prevent the current device from receiving any unnecessary or restricted data.
Unregistering a device is a synchronous operation. Once theunregisterDevice
method is called, the SDK disconnects from the server and wipes out user session.