This section provides a form for post creation
Post creation
Create post by adding content such as text, image, file, and video.
Mention users in post
Mention users in a post by typing @ to activate the mention suggestion and selecting their name in the suggestion list. You can mention up to 30 users per post.
An alert will be shown if character count is greater than 50000 or mentions count is greater than 30.
Creating a text and image post
After posting a text and image post
Creating a text and file post
After posting a text and file post
Creating a text and video post
After posting a text and video post
Default poll creation page
Poll post
Poll voting
Mention users in a poll post
You can create a live stream post in the console.
You cannot create a live stream post via Web UIKit but you can view live stream videos using Web UIKit's live stream viewer. Refer to our Live Stream post documentation for details on how to view a live stream post.
Mention users in a livestream post
See community interaction as it happens
Out Web UIKit provides the livestream recording feature that allows you to record livestreams and broadcast simultaneously in real-time. You can also play historical streams when the livestream ends.
This section describes the livestream viewing feature in detail. Refer to our Livestream documentation to create a livestream in console.
A livestream post can be viewed in the following feeds:
Community feed
User feed
Global feed
Content feed
You will be able to see the livestream post and interact with it as soon as the livestreamer starts streaming.
Creating a livestream can be done in Console. There are two parts before you can create the livestream post. First, create the livestream. You need to have a third-party software installed such as OBS or any livestreaming tool. Then, create the post.
In Console, go to Livestream menu.
In Streaming management page, click .
In Create new stream pop-up, provide the title, description, and thumbnail.
Click OK to submit.
In Streaming management list, select the stream that you created.
In Streaming details page, copy the Server URL. Paste it in your livestreaming software and start the livestream.
In Console, go to Posts menu.
In Create livestream post pop-up, provide the Target type, Target ID, and Stream ID.
Target type - can be Content, Community, or User
Target ID - community ID or user ID of the community or User where you want to post the livestream
Stream ID - search for the streamId
value in the stream's Raw model in Streaming details
Click OK to submit.
Other viewers can watch your livestreaming while you are simultaneously recording it. They will see a LIVE indicator on the video.
Tapping the play button in the livestream post will play the video in a full screen mode.
The LIVE indicator on the upper left corner of the video indicates that the video is currently streaming while you are watching it.
After ending your livestreaming, the playback video may not be available instantly for viewers to see while it is still in the process of producing the playback video. The viewers will see a message that the playback will be available for watching shortly.
When the playback video is already available for viewing, a RECORDED indicator is shown on the video post.
The livestream may be in idle state. This happens when you delete the livestream in console or or other issues that will not enable the livestreaming to start. The viewer will see a message that the stream is currently unavailable.
A livestream post will have the same privacy and access controls as with the other posts. This means that users without the permission, such as those who are not members of the community, won’t be able to view the livestreaming/playback video in a private community. If the community is public, non-members can view the post as read only so they won't be able to interact with it.
In Post Management page, click and select Livestream Post in the dropdown selection.